In the Kerch Strait tragedy – Russia seized Ukrainian sailors. Now they are kept in prison are denied normal content.

The lawyer Tatiana Okushko during the consideration of appeals under the control of the occupiers “by the Supreme court of the Crimea” stated that workers in a Russian prison has refused to grant prisoner of war Midshipman Harbor tugs the Navy of Ukraine, “Yana Kapu” Andrey Shevchenko in proper conditions. Reports about it “Диалог.UA”.

She also added that during the days immediately after the capture in the waters of the sea of Azov, the Ukrainian sailor left without a lawyer.

After the end of the court the prisoner ensign said that in Moscow SIZO “Lefortovo” it “awarded” the shoes without laces, falling down. He also brought two parcels, but it is still none received.

We will remind, in the Russian-controlled “Supreme court of the Crimea” has decided to leave the custody of prisoners senior sailor of the Ukrainian tugboat “Yana Kapu” Vladimir Arimasa, ensign Yuri Budzilo and senior sailor of the boat “Nikopol” Andrew Oprysko, however, to reduce the period of detention for one day.

At the same time all three reduced the period of detention for one day because of allegedly previously admitted a technical error.

In addition, the Russian lawyer Nikolai Polozov, who coordinates the work of the group of lawyers of the Ukrainian sailors said that three of our sailors from the tug “Yana Kapu” called themselves prisoners of war and refused to testify. It is known that in their captivity they took Russian special services in the sea of Azov, and is now held in prison in Moscow.

As reported “Диалог.UA” Ukrainian Ombudsman is not allowed to the captive seamen in the Russian prison.