The Director of Park “Patriot” of the Western military district Andrey Kononov told about the plans to create a commemorative wall with memorial boards dedicated to General gubernatorom of Kronstadt.

  • © Patriot Park ZVO

As reported by “the St. Petersburg diary”, the project “the descendants of our names” will include 49 inscribed memorial slabs.

“It’s the people who created the legendary fortress city. We worked a lot in museums and archives to gather the necessary information and to fill this gap in the history of Kronstadt and the Russian fleet, to our contemporaries and descendants to know the heroes of the Fatherland. It’s 49 names of people who led the Kronstadt. Each of them has made a significant contribution to the development of the city”, — said Andrey Kononov.

According to him, the opening is planned to coincide with the Navy Day celebration.

Earlier IA “Udmurtia” reported that the Republic will send 68,5 million roubles for renovation of monuments and memorials in honor of great Patriotic war.