In Kiev, while fighting a fire in his apartment rescued a pensioner

KIEV. May 1. UNN. Thursday at 16:06 in quickly-the coordination center of head Department gschs of Ukraine in Kyiv received a message about a fire in a residential house on Shelkovichnaya str., 3, Solomenskiy district of the capital. It is reported by UNN with reference to SSES.

To place a call immediately was sent to rescue from the nearest fire and rescue units. Upon arrival, firefighters found that the fire originated in the common corridor to one of the apartments on the 5th floor of 5-storey residential building. Wasting no time, the rescuers immediately started to extinguish the fire.

16:32 fighters localized the fire in the area of 20 sq. m and 16:40 – is liquidated.

While fighting a fire rescued the elderly, which was in the apartment. The victim, inhaling combustion products, received medical assistance on the spot, further from the hospital refused.

The fire burned and damaged personal belongings in the hallway and in the apartment, broken furniture, doors, blackened walls and ceiling in the apartment and in the hallway. At the scene were involved 4 units of basic and special firefighting and rescue equipment and 15 people of staff of divisions of head Department gschs of Ukraine in Kiev. The cause of the fire is established.

We will remind, in the river burn the plant for processing recyclable materials.