In Kharkov will increase the fare in the subwayPhoto: Wikipedia

Gennady Kernes explained the rise with the increase in the cost of electricity and increase minimal salary

26.12.18 133000

The mayor of Kharkiv Gennady Kernes said that in 2019 will increase the fare in the city metro. It is reported Kharkiv Today.

He noted that Kharkiv metro has already submitted to the municipality the appropriate application.

“The Metropolitan has filed such an application, because electricity has increased in price, the minimum wage increased. Besides, remember that we update the rolling stock in metro,” – said Kernes.

  • See ALSO: “Morality” strike back. Wall painting at the metro station “Osokorki” in the eyes of critics and ordinary people

The mayor did not name a new fare, and the timing of its implementation.

Recall recently in Kiev subway robbed the Prosecutor of the GPU. He was robbed of his ID, skip to the Prosecutor’s office and purse with 800 hryvnia. On this fact the police opened a case under article about robbery.