Diplomats will discuss with the Secretary General of the OSCE, the media distortion of his words about the Ukrainian Church

KIEV. 26 Dec. UNN. Incorrect translation and citation of interview of the OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger some media, in particular, his words about the Ukrainian Church, will be the subject of the next meeting with the Secretary General of the Ukrainian diplomats. This is stated in the communication from the Permanent mission of Ukraine to the OSCE page on Twitter, reports UNN.

“After interview of the OSCE Secretary General to one of the German media, Ambassador I. Prokopchuk asked for clarification on several points about Ukraine”, – said the Ukrainian diplomats.

So, according to them, in response Greminger stated that “certain statements, including the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, have been misinterpreted in the Ukrainian media”.

“This topic will be the subject of the next meeting with the Secretary General (OSCE – ed.)”, – said the representative office.

As reported UNN, previously Deputy foreign Minister Sergey Kyslytsya announced the incorrect translation and quoting of the interview with the Secretary General of the OSCE Thomas Greminger number of Ukrainian media.