Photos near Kharkov the pensioner found rusty bullets and grenadesPhoto:

For a long time he excavated and collected the ammunition

19.05.18 66000

In the Kharkiv region in the garage of a 64-year-old man found a large quantity of ammunition, grenades, TNT and other ordnance.

On Saturday, may 19, according to Netpolice.

  • See ALSO: Fastovsky hospital, the patient kept a grenade under the pillow, the police

During the RAID, the police found the attacker 1330 rounds, 41 grenade 10 of the shell casings, grenade case 9 and 10 kilograms of TNT.

According to experts, some ammunition were in a rusted condition and at any moment could detonate.

According to the man it became known that for a long time he excavated and collected the ammunition. To it threatens from 3 till 7 years of imprisonment.

The criminal proceedings are opened.

Earlier in the territory of the Talne district, Cherkasy region road under the bridge, the police found a cache of ammunition. At survey of a scene police officers seized five grenades VOG-17m, two grenades RGD-5 with marking and two fuses to them, 54 cartridge 12.7 mm DShK, and more than two kilograms of explosive Plastids.