Users of social networks note that Kharkov was in a condition of narcotic intoxication.
The incident occurred today in the “yakitori” / gomel.todayВ Kharkov client of the restaurant refused to pay, and before the arrived police officers stripped and danced a Striptease.

It is reported by Twitter feed “Hu*Wai Saltovka”.

See also RF for the corporate police brought a stripper (video)

The incident occurred today, March 11, in the “yakitori” on the street kvitki Osnovyanenko. A young client refused to pay what was necessary to call the patrol. But before the police she took off all clothes.

“The girl made a real tantrum – like, here, take it all. However, she then admired herself in the mirror, then sat down on the floor, then ran out of the house. To calm her down failed, so the patrol called a special medical team”, – stated in the message.

Users of social networks note that, probably, Kharkov was in a condition of narcotic intoxication.

The author of the video in the post on social networks reports that with inadequate client was still a child. But in a press-service of the Department of the patrol police in the Kharkiv region has not confirmed this information, saying the girl was alone.

A fun morning in yakitori on the street kvitki Osnovyanenko. The young lady refused to pay for the hookah, the staff called the cops and then began the most state! Malyha stripped naked and threw a tantrum ?

According to employees, she also had a child with.

— Cocks Saltovka | Kharkov (@h_saltovka) March 11, 2019