All four are citizens of Ukraine: one of them is unemployed, two previous convictions, the fourth engineer, OOO “Soyuzenergoproject”.
In April 2014, the separatists broke into the building and took him from groups on all floors / photo Depo.Kharkov.

In Kharkiv, the court regretted fans of “Russian world”, which participated in the seizure and arson of the building of Kharkiv regional state administration in the spring of 2014.

This is stated in the sentence of the Kiev district court of Kharkiv, reports Depo.Kharkov.

According to the court, the accused are four citizens of Ukraine, one of whom is unemployed, two previous convictions, the fourth engineer, OOO “Soyuzenergoproject”.

The court found that the men April 7, 2014 at Freedom square in Kharkov took part in a Pro-Russian rally. They were hitting us with sticks and threw in doors and Windows of the House of Soviets, on the street Sumy, 64, stones, boards, stun grenades, firecrackers and fired from an unidentified traumatic weapons in the direction of law enforcement officers.

See also Kharkiv Thriller “LC” tried to blow up a bridge

After that, the rioters had set on fire before entering the building tires and throwing a few Molotov cocktails, set fire to four study. The result of the smoke injured the police officer. Later, the offenders broke into the building and took him from groups on all floors. On the morning of 8 April the defendants were arrested at the scene of the crime. The court also found that on account of one of the accused and another four steals.

The court found three men guilty of committing criminal offenses under part 1 article 294 of the criminal code of Ukraine and sentenced each to five years in prison. The court took into account in the term of sentence, pre-trial detention and on the basis of article 75 UK of Ukraine released them with a trial period in three years.

The fourth offender was found guilty under part 1 article 294, part 2, article 186, part 2 of article 190 of the criminal code. Given unserved by the previous sentence part of the sentence, he was given 6 years, 11 months and four days imprisonment. However, the court read out the sentence pre-trial detention at the rate of one for two days and freed the man from-under guards in a court hall.