KHARKOV-KIEV. April 10. UNN. In Kharkov, released the prisoner for life Love Kushinsky, which was previously pardoned by the President of Ukraine, the correspondent of UNN.

From the gates of the kachanivska Prison of the ex-businesswoman Kushinsky came out with a light make-up, hairstyle, heels and a light overcoat and with a small handbag.

“Yes, this is all my stuff. Everything else that happened I left the girls “, she commented.

Since 2002, when the country formally abolished the death penalty, this is the first case when freedom came “the three-strikes lifer”. Kushinsky says that her sentence was fabricated before, probably, had a hand in the husband of her friend who owed her a huge sum of money.

“You don’t want to be in my place, for many years I sought justice, I was unlawfully convicted. Tomorrow, even today I am ready to go to court and seek justice, to break the chain of iniquity, and to absolve themselves of the absurd. I guilt has never recognized and does not recognize the crime never committed”, she said.

The last couple of months Kushinsky spent in the medical unit of the kachanivska Prison. According to her, she was sick. Human rights activists who were engaged in its Affairs, hinted that after the President signed the document of pardon, the attitude of the roommates in Kosinski has changed dramatically for the worse. The woman decided to isolate.

On the loose the woman together with lawyers planning to seek a review of her case.

“Was the President’s decree on pardon is only the first step. For me the most important thing – that the case was reviewed by the court and that the court ruled a fair verdict. We have done the necessary work in order to gather evidence. I, today, I am convinced 100% that I’m in court you can prove that the circumstances set out in the indictment Kushinsky is not supported by objective evidence. That’s when she will be justified in the name of Ukraine – that’s when this thing is settled,” said Kushinsky’s lawyer Andriy Fedur.

As reported UNN, on March 1, 2018, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has pardoned those sentenced to life imprisonment Love Kushinsky, which will be released from the Penal colony where she spent more than 20 years, in April of this year.

Help UNN. The woman was serving a sentence in the sector of medium security, which includes persons sentenced to life imprisonment. At the time of her release, she had served in prison for more than 21 years (since December 1997). Of which 8 years spent in jail. The years counted according to “the law Savchenko” (day in jail counts as two). Thus, it turned out that the overall sentence Kushinsky has reached 27 years and 9 months.