In Japan, cases of extortion of Nude selfies from students

KIEV. March 14. UNN. Last year Japanese police have launched a record number of investigations into child pornography on the number of cases exceeded 3 thousand, or 28% more than in the previous year. It is reported by UNN with reference to the Mainichi.

It is noted that most of the offenses is storing Nude selfies of students obtained through coercion or deception. Almost 2 thousand children became victims through social networks, mainly Twitter.

541 children had been forced to send naked Selfies, 295 photographed and videotaped without their knowledge.

The production staged pornographic photos involving minors accounted for almost half of all cases.

About 80% of the victims were middle and high school students, among them the absolute majority of girls.

In 2017, the police have compiled a list of the 7 thousand people who bought child pornography. Investigation of 2018 are based on the basis of this list. It is noted that the storage cases adult photos of naked children increased 5 times.

As reported by UNN, in Kiev detained the organizer of the Studio for filming child porn. The footage for the money he sold over the Internet in European Union countries, Asia and America.