The number recovered after infection with coronavirus in Germany for the first time since the beginning of the epidemic has exceeded the number of infections. This was reported Sunday by the Berlin Institute of Virology, Robert Koch

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The number recovered after infection with coronavirus in Germany for the first time since the beginning of the epidemic has exceeded the number of infections. This was reported Sunday by the Berlin Institute of Virology, Robert Koch (subordinate to the Ministry of health of Germany), reports TASS.

The number of confirmed cases of infection in Germany is 120 479.

Recovered 60 200 patients. From the effects of infection by the coronavirus in the country died 2 673 people. Thus, the number of infections now stands at 57 606.

Most are infected in Germany, recorded in Bavaria. There, according to the Institute Koch, contracted 32 282 people died 786.

It is followed by the Federal state of North Rhine – Westphalia with 24 267 infected and 495 deaths and Baden – württemberg with 24 078 infections and 649 dead.

The German authorities recently decided to extend the measures against the coronavirus, at least until April 19. Citizens forbidden to gather in groups more than two, closed cultural and entertainment centers and parks, stopped work services. Being on the street, people have to keep the distance of 1.5 m from each other.

According to the Johns Hopkins University on the morning of 12 April, which also counts in the world has infected more than 1.77 million people died 108 902, 404 patients recovered. The greatest number of victims in Italy (where he died 19 468 patients), followed by Spain, France, UK, USA, Iran, Belgium and China.