The investigators proved that in Chechnya were tortured and killed gay people, but criminal case was not initiated.
From the Lapunov required, including the issue of the Chechens, with whom he had intimate relations / New Gazeta last Thursday at the OSCE permanent Council was presented a report on grave human rights violations in Chechnya.

One of the main episodes of the report was the campaign against the Chechen gays that hit the whole world absolutely wild and at the same time routine for Chechnya cruelty, according to the material of “the New newspaper”.

“During the two waves of persecution of gay people in Chechnya were detained hundreds of people, the peak of these arrests came at the end of February — beginning of March 2017. The suspicion of homosexual orientation was the sole basis and reason for the repression. All the victims had been placed in illegal detention facilities (“secret prisons”), suffered brutal treatment, beatings, torture, hunger, and some physical destruction. Some people could not stand (due to age and health) of torture, went crazy and died directly in the places of deprivation of liberty, other illustrative killed the security forces themselves, some were given to relatives, forcing them to make self-court, the so-called “honor killing,” – noted journalists.

See also Petersburg on shares LGBT community detained dozens of people (photos)

Despite the magnitude of the punitive campaign, none of the Chechens are not addressed in the Russian law enforcement bodies with the statement.

“The main reason for the silence of the Chechens is a systematic policy of the Federal center, which, in fact, left the citizens of Chechnya one-on-one with local armed forces, which only formally be called the Russian police”, – says the article.

The citizen of the Russian Federation Maxim Lapunov, a resident of the Perm region, who has lived in Chechnya for two years and got to millstones of the Chechen security forces, was the only person who violated the silence. August 29, 2017, he appealed to the Commissioner for human rights of Russia Tatyana Moskalkova. On the same day he applied to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin. In a statement, he said that in mid-March, was detained by Chechen police and taken to the criminal investigation Department of the Chechen interior Ministry, where illegally detained for two weeks, subjected to beatings and degrading treatment by reason of his homosexual orientation.

To him violence was used, including a requirement to extradite the Chechens, with whom he had intimate relations. As described in the statement Lapunov, at the same time with him in the basement of CID, the interior Ministry in Chechnya were dozens of detainees. Some of them were taken there by the same “homosexual” charges, and some — on other formal grounds. All these people could not be contained in the basement of the CID of the interior Ministry of Chechnya legally: this unit is not provided official places for deprivation of liberty.

With him in the basement were the natives of Chechnya, as it turned out, two of them were later killed (Shoto-Shamil Ayub Akayev and Ibragimov). According to the interior Ministry of the Republic, allegedly with the attempted attack on the police. But forensic scientists have established that these people were killed by shots in the head.

photo by Novaya Gazeta

“30 Mar 2017 Akayev and Ibragimov were found dead. According to the Chechen interior Ministry, they were killed allegedly while trying to attack on the Chechen police. But the forensic findings and protocols of the inspection bodies, it follows that Akaev Ibrahimov was killed by close range shots to the head. While the victims were absent for any thing,” – said in the article “Novaya Gazeta”.

“That’s the way the materials of the audit at the request of Lapunov about the illegal imprisonment and torture of the corpses appeared, and the actions of the Chechen police had already qualified under article 105 of the criminal code (murder of two and more persons). What did the investigation? Simply stopped the test: “the Circumstances set out in the statement Lapunov concerning his unlawful detention and retention in the basement of the building of CID, the interior Ministry for the Chechen Republic, has not received an objective confirmation”, – summed up the journalists.

Earlier the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov in interview to the American TV channel HBO called “take away” from the country of gays, if they are there to “purify the blood”.