Photos In Central London found an underground vault of ice, built in the XVIII centuryLondon Canal Museum / MOLA

Ice house has survived bombing during the Second world war

29.12.18 368000

In Central London found an underground vault of ice, built in the 1780-ies , reports Museum of London archaeology (MOLA).

The store is located near Regent’s Park. Its size is 7.5 meters wide and 9.5 meters deep. It is built of red brick.

It is noteworthy that underground Ice house, unlike other buildings on the surface, survived the bombing during the Second world war and is still in excellent condition.

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The vault was necessary until there was no refrigeration. The ice used in hospitals and food storage and cooking of frozen delicacies.

First ice collected from local canals and lakes, and later began to import from Norway. Dealer ice William Leidich in 1822, made a 2000-kilometre round trip from England to Norway, where he collected 300 tons of ice.

We will remind, in the Scottish Cathedral found medieval sculptures of saints.