A resident of the village of New Sanzhary, where on 20 February there was an attack on the evacuees from Wuhan citizens, told them what had really happened. He confirmed rumors that the staged riots not local. According to the man, brought provocateurs in advance.

“Come, taters fried newcomers, the heat of the fire. Vagrants were 15 people – 20”, – said cangaroos. He said that local protest came only “grandparents” from nearby houses, and in attack they did not participate.

“First scorched the wood, and the tires began to kindle in about 15 minutes – 20 minutes (until the arrival of buses – ed.),” said the man.

He noted that residents of New Sanjar outraged and suppressed the incident.

“You bring those who were here and leave them in Sanzharivka. We’ll tell you and even show where they will be buried. We were set up. Sanzharovka was framed!” he said.

It is noteworthy that according to the man, the riots were preceded by an information attack on the residents. So, the evening of 19 February in the local public began to actively spread rumors that their resort will bring 50 people infected by the deadly coronavirus in Chinese. And citizens without symptoms (called 11 thousand people) are supposed to return to Ukraine regular flights.

“20 Feb, when people already stood out why no one came out, why didn’t anyone tell that will bring healthy people, healthy our people? No one said! Let Zelensky now knows who is at fault and who messed this up!” – stated cangaroos.

The local Wuhan where evacuees were quarantined tells the story that the riots were well orchestrated by 15-20 strong gang and they were not all locals. The locals feel they’ve been duped in the most severe way.pic.twitter.com/jAixrplcGy

— lennutrajektoor (@lennutrajektoor) February 21, 2020

Earlier Диалог.UA reported that one of the first of the provocations the journalist said Tsaplienko. He noted that in New Sanzhary provocateurs drove purposefully on the machines.

We also wrote that the “provocateur” of the riots in New Sanzhary Cherednichenko is associated with the MP Ilya Kiva.

Zelensky has made it clear who was behind the protests in New Sanzhary.