For the sake of a polygraph examination Savchenko agreed to eatNadezhda Savchenko / Photo: UNIAN

Because of hunger, she started having heart problems

13.04.18 551100

The people’s Deputy Hope Savchenko, which is suspected of preparing a terrorist act in Kiev, agreed to suspend the hunger strike for passing a polygraph test. It is reported by Ukrainian Pravda with reference to its lawyer Oleg Solovey.

“Nadezhda agreed to suspend the hunger strike for 3 days to her state of health allowed them to pass the polygraph. I’m going for food,” he said.

According to him, Savchenko would have those products that are allowed in her condition there is a doctor, and on April 16 will continue to participate in the interrogation on a polygraph.

“Three days she will take minor products that the doctor said that, in order to show the public that it is not carried out her alleged crimes, and to proceed with the polygraph on Monday,” the lawyer said.

Today, Savchenko already tried to pass a polygraph test, but because of heart problems caused by the hunger strike, the test was suspended. According to counsel, the interrogation lasted from 10:30 to 13:30.

  • READ ALSO: SBU assured Savchenko do not need hospitalization

We will remind, on March 22 the Verkhovna Rada supported the proposal of the Prosecutor General on the withdrawal of immunity from Hope Savchenko.

On 23 March, the Shevchenko district court of Kiev decided to take her into custody for two months. She is accused interaction with the leaders of the militants “DNR/OSR”, collusion with the head of the center for the release of prisoners “Officer corps” Vladimir Ruban and the preparation of a terrorist act in the Parliament. Its purpose, according to the Prosecutor General’s office, was the physical destruction of the state leadership and the seizure of power.

Savchenko acknowledged that the involved in the export of weapons from the occupied territories and talk about the terrorist attacks. But called it a private operation.