The discovery of the virus Sars-CoV-19, which became the cause of a pandemic, gave rise to many conspiracy theories. In particular, is becoming more popular strange theory of “guilt” towers 5G, supposedly spreading the infection. This led to the fact that they are increasingly becoming victims of vandals.

Facebook was actively involved in the fight against misinformation regarding coronavirus like this, redirecting users to authoritative sources of data. Of course, to convince 2 billion people using social media to turn to credible sources at once is unlikely, so the direction Facebook has taken in this regard, a number of its own measures.

The first of these is to display the messages in the news feed users are confronted with misinformation. This means that users who laykali or comment on a fake news about the coronavirus, you will see in your feed posts with authoritative figures, for example, the world health organization (who).

The second measure is represented by the emergence of a new section in the information center Covid-19 in Facebook called “Get the Facts” (“Get the facts”). In fact, this is the list of articles with verifiable facts that refute popular myths about the coronavirus. These articles are updated every week and available in the United States.

Source — Techspot