Today, April 28, in the Directorate of intelligence
The Ministry of defence of Ukraine made a statement about the impending large-scale
operations in the Donbass, which the militants of the illegal “L/DNR” plan
to carry out on holidays in may. It is noted that the terrorists are preparing
it is prohibited to use weapons Minsk agreement.

As reported in the press service of the defense Ministry, the Russian invaders
intentionally cause diversionary attacks on Avdiivka, Kurakhovskaya, Papanasam and
Novoaydarsky directions to divert military OOS and manoeuvre.

It is noted that in the period of holidays militants
are going to strengthen the attacks and provoke the aggravation of the situation in the Donbas.

The defense Ministry did not say where exactly the militants are preparing
to arrange a provocation, but noted that the military APU is ready to fight back on
any attack of the enemy. The press service reminded that on the 27th of April was
destroyed two militants, three more were injured.

Earlier it was reported that the Russians suffered heavy losses during
fighting in the Donbass APU: April 26, the Russian army lost 9 people are killed and wounded.

Before that, on April 25, hybrid in the Donbass Russian army 16
times violated the truce. There is a serious escalation of the conflict ahead
negotiations “Channel four”.

We will remind, earlier ex-U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John Herbst
gave two reasons for the end of the war in the Donbas and explained why
the occupied East are a real burden for Vladimir Putin.