Expert: Ukrainian chicken conquered Europe and conquers the world

KIEV. March 26. UNN. Ukrainian chicken occupies a leading position in the markets of Europe. About this UNN said the head of the analytical Department of the Council for food exports (UFEB) Alexander Kiszczuk.

“The main markets here were the Netherlands and Slovakia”, – she said.

In the global poultry market Ukraine is the leading player. According UFEB, over the past 5 years, Ukrainian poultry farmers increased their exports of the product by 78.5%. But this is not the limit, says Kischuk. In 2019 Ukraine will increase the supply of poultry meat abroad 16.6%.

“In General, international trade of poultry in 2019 will grow by 6.1%”, – the expert adds.

However, the top exporters of the world market of chicken – USA and Brazil – will reduce the pace of exports. According UFEB, in 2019, will put Americans abroad 3.2 million tonnes of poultry meat. But this is only 2.8% more than in 2018.

Brazil will finish in 2019 with the level of exports of 3.8 million tons. The annual growth of deliveries abroad will increase only by 2.4%.

Therefore, Ukraine consolidates its position in the global poultry market, says Kischuk. But to say unequivocally that it can compete with Brazil, prematurely, she adds.

“The difficult economic situation in the country has affected the meat sector as a whole. Besides adverse weather conditions and low domestic and export demand was reflected declining.

For example, the total volume of Brazilian exports of poultry meat in February increased by 2.2 percent from 2018 and amounted to 316,9 thousand tons. Ukraine overcomes this indicator for the year. This situation of USA is a unique country that is a leader in the import and export,” – said the expert.

Today the main competitor of Ukraine in the world market of chicken meat is Turkey, says Kischuk.

“The country already in January shipped 37 tons of meat, the rate of Ukrainian exports as of January 2019 – 29.3 thousand tons,” she explains.

Earlier UNN reported that Ukraine in the past year climbed to 6th place in the world ranking of suppliers of chicken, surpassing Russia and Canada. In the EU, Ukraine occupies the third place among exporters, behind only Brazil and Thailand.

Last week it also became known that the European Commission is planning at least to double the import quotas for Ukrainian poultry. International press associates the unprecedented step EK again with Yuri Kosyuk (MHP), which is “its a stroke of genius” has stirred the whole of Europe. Read more about this in the material of UNN.