Revealed new details about the controversial Deputy Ilya Kiva reported by the veteran ATO Michael Maiman, the man who was fighting Kiva in one of the restaurants of Kiev. The veteran gave an interview to the Ukrainian journalist Roman Skrypin live video which was published yesterday.

Maiman announced that Kiva during the service feared kidnappings and attacks.

Because of this, it was guarded by a whole battalion. Thus, according to the story, Kiva protected corruption and smuggling on the boundary line. According to the testimony of his colleagues, he earned his smuggling money.

“Kiva came to live with us in the battalion, afraid that it will break or get stolen, we guarded him the whole battalion, he went with us to the roadblocks, controlled, to avoid smuggling, and he controlled that was. He had serious business”, – says the veteran.

In addition, Maiman has shared another interesting story. According to him, the Kiva every day out from your hotel with a white nose.

“Every day he left the hotel with a white nose, I guarded him and asked me to wipe his nose, and Kiva said that it was “toothpaste”,” – said the veteran of the Ukrainian army.

We will remind, earlier the blogger of Donbass Sergey Ivanov has advised law enforcement agencies to seize premium weapons from Kiva. So, he rather sharply commented on in his blog on Facebook the fight in the restaurant, which occurred recently between MP Ilya Kiva, and a veteran of the ATO.