Employee of the Commission died from Covid-19

Neirfys / DepositPhotos

Employee of the Commission died from the effects of infection by a coronavirus. On 13 April, announced on the social network Twitter, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.

According to her, infected with coronavirus employee, died Sunday. Von der Leyen has expressed condolences to his family and wrote that to announce the news “very sad”. This is the first death from Covid-19 among the top leadership of the EU.

The deceased officer had worked at the European research Council. This Department is intended to stimulate the development of research activities in the European Union.

7 APR Ursula von der Leyen announced that the European Union has decided to allocate 15 billion euros to help poor countries-partners in the fight against the epidemic of the coronavirus. She noted that the countries of Africa in a few weeks will face the same challenges now dealing with the EU, and will need to contain the spread of the epidemic, writes DW.