It is twice more than last year.
In Kiev dismantled almost 17 thousand advertising designs / photo UNIAN for 2018 in Kiev was dismantled 16 805 advertising structures.

About this informed the Deputy Chairman of the KSCA Valentine Mondrievsky.

“This year work on streamlining advertising in the capital was in full swing. Almost 17 thousand units are already taken! It is twice more than last year for 2017 was dismantled 8604 design. For comparison, in 2016 dismantled 5034 RZD, in 2015 – 3813, 2014 – 1067. Numbers, and, of course, changes in the appearance of our city speak for themselves. I would also like to thank the socially responsible business representatives, because of all the dismantled advertising funds this year, more than half were removed by the owners – 10 285 Railways! This suggests that people can change, changing the attitude to the native town to ourselves. Change begins with us,” said Valentin Mondrievsky.

He added that 2018 was effective for the city in outdoor advertising not only in terms of removing advertisements. “In the beginning of the year was approved and started to operate a Scheme of the distribution of terrestrial advertising in Kiev, at the initiative of our Management in advertising turned out changes in the laws regarding outdoor advertising throughout Ukraine, we put things in order with mobile advertising – the so-called “carts”. Again, thanks to the work of the Department of advertising has been accumulated and a decision on the implementation of the “redial” for the distributors of illegal advertisements that cover all the pillars and the house. By the way, in the coming months this system will work”, – said the Deputy Chairman of the KSCA.

Recall that in 2017 Kiev was dismantled 8604 advertising design, among which 4271 unit dismantled the owners of these structures.