Coronavirus in Iran: 18% of the patients died, the government closed educational institutions

KIEV. On 23 February. UNN. Neighboring Iran States take precautionary measures. So, Saudi Arabia has banned its citizens to visit Iran in connection with the spread of the coronavirus there. It is reported by UNN relying on Radio Liberty and AFP.

Iran was the fifth and sixth cases of death as a result of infection with coronavirus. Only in Iran was 28 cases of infection with coronavirus. Infection was detected in five of the three dozen provinces.

The Ministry of health reported that out of ten newly registered cases, two in Tehran, eight in the city of Qom, 120 kilometers South of Tehran. By order of the local medical institutions in Qom temporarily forbidden to hold religious meetings.

Edition AFP notes that according to official figures, nearly 18% of those infected with the novel coronavirus in Iran died, compared to slightly more than 3% in China.

As reports the edition with reference to the state television as “preventive measures” the government has ordered to close Sunday-schools, universities and other educational centers in 14 provinces of the country.

The government also announced that “all activities in the field of art and cinema halls across the country were canceled before the end of the week” to stop the spread of infections.

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The world health organization expressed concern about the spread of the virus in Iran and its spread from the Islamic Republic in other countries, including in Lebanon.

“The concern is … what we are witnessing growth in the number of cases, very rapid growth over a few days,” said the global head of the who preparedness to infectious hazards Sylvie Briand.

The outbreak of the Iranian epidemic occurred on the eve of parliamentary elections on Friday.

State media said that the deadly virus was not able to weaken “the revolutionary zeal of the people” to be in the election.

The publication says the Iranians wore surgical face masks to avoid the catch of the virus. Online store Digikala Iranian counterpart Amazon announced Friday that 36 hours has sold 75 thousand masks.

Recall that in Italy the number of coronavirus infected persons has reached 76.