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At the end of yesterday, the bitcoin exchange rate has edged lower under pressure from negative external background, according to SMGroup.

As of 8:00 Moscow time, according to cryptocurrency exchanges Сoinmarketcap price, the price of Bitcoin has fallen by 1.62% and is at $3 thousand 877,51.

In addition, most of the cryptocurrencies from the top ten showed negative results.

In particular, the course Bitcoin Cash lost 2.32 percent, at $128,42, price EOS decreased by 3.87% to $3,53, the cost of Ethereum fell by 3.32% and is listed now for $131,69, and the rate of Litecoin has gone down by 4.52% and one coin on cryptomeria currently offering $54,05.

Total market capitalization of cryptocurrency fell by $1 billion, at $132 trillion, 638 billion.

Experts believe that the main negative impact of the dynamics of bitcoin, a message about the arrest of another Creator of the crypto-pyramid OneCoin Konstantin Ignatov, who was arrested in the U.S. on suspicion of organizing a fraudulent scheme, which affected about three million investors.

Representatives of the Prosecutor’s office for the southern district of new York argue that the organizers of the OneCoin provided investors with false information, which many project participants were deceived.

For example, it was reported that the company has its own servers, which is mining cryptocurrencies, however, the investigation showed, no servers.

In addition, the project was a classic pyramid, in which the main aim was to get new members for a fee.

According to experts, the current drop in digital asset will not last long and very soon the growth of the most popular cryptocurrencies again restored.

We will remind, the European Commission urged the three financial regulators of the EU to urgently update the financial rules to cope with the instability of bitcoin, after a year has risen from $1 thousand to $20 thousand.