Airbus introduced the self-driving, taxi CityAirbus

Flying self-governing air taxi CityAirbus the presentation

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KIEV. March 12. UNN. European aircraft manufacturer Airbus is preparing a breakthrough in the field of passenger transport in cities. The group presented the developed in Germany, the prototype self-driving flying taxis CityAirbus, which can carry four passengers. The presentation took place on Monday, March 11, in the German city of Ingolstadt, which will serve as a test site for testing such vehicles. It is reported by UNN with reference to DW.

At city hall first showed the prototype of the original size. Ingolstadt – a participant of the EU project Urban Air Mobility, in which the passenger experience of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the cities.

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CityAirbus “looks pretty cool, and now he only have to fly,” – said the Minister of transport of Germany Andreas SOER (Andreas Scheuer) during the presentation.

Airbus expects that in the future, the air taxi can bring passengers fixed routes, for example, from the airport to the city centre. CityAirbus can be used in the health sector, for example, to quickly carry doctors, donated blood or organs for urgent operations. Use CityAirbus for flights on individual routes the group does not plan to.

The developers see in the air taxi alternative to cars and public transport, but not classic air travel. CityAirbus can overcome about 50 kilometers per flight and a maximum speed of 120 kilometers per hour. “Probably, such vehicles will not fly from city to city”, – said the representative of Airbus Gregor von Kursell (Gregor von Kursell).

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CityAirbus begin testing in mid-2019. Flights over built-up areas now are not planned, as the group does not have appropriate permissions. In the Airbus predict that the development of legislative rules for use of unmanned passenger vehicles in the EU will last at least until 2025. “Just then, a taxi can be used for commercial purposes,” – said the representative of the group.

Help UNN: Airbus – Europe’s largest aircraft company. Airbus in France, Germany, Spain, UK, China and USA. In February, the group announced the termination of production of the world’s largest passenger aircraft A380 due to low demand.

We will remind, the Ukrainian law enforcers will fly on the new Airbus helicopters.