Western analyst called the head of the GPU “a liar and corrupt” and even said that Yuriy Lutsenko mouth can not reveal the lie.

Atlantic Council analyst Anders Aslund commented on the statement of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine Yury Lutsenko about “list Jovanovic”, supposedly “prohibiting” the head of the GPU to bother certain individuals in the country, reports “is essential”.

“When Yuriy Lutsenko opens his mouth, he’s usually lying,” said the analyst. And harshly criticized the activity of Lutsenko on a post of genprokurora, noting that during the three years of activities have not planted a single top-corrupt, had not held any important investigation.

Anders Aslund remembered about the “secret meeting” of Yuri Lutsenko with the fugitive oligarch Igor Kolomoisky shortly after the nationalization of PrivatBank, saying that this is another proof of involvement of Lutsenko in “doubtful cases.”

The analyst says that the US no doubt who is to blame in this incident and believe Marie Yovanovitch.

Recall Donald trump in social networks commented on Lutsenko’s words about the intervention of the NAB at the election of the President of the United States.