The airport guards discovered a fake passport from the Russians, who arrived on a flight from Turkey.
The passenger flight arrived from Turkey, found a fake passport / photo UNIAN the international airport “Odessa” detained a citizen of Russia with a fake passport in the country.

As reported the UNIAN in a press-service of the Odessa border detachment of the southern regional administration of State border service of Ukraine, on the evening of 1 January in the airport “Odessa”, the border guard detachment detected a passenger flight arriving from Turkey fake passport.

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“To use a forged passport tried a Russian citizen who arrived from Istanbul. When scrutiny revealed partial forgery, namely – information page”, – have informed in a press-service.

It is also established that the passport with which the offender tried to get to Ukraine, he bought for 2 thousand dollars. on the territory of Turkey.

Male, born in 1987, refused to cross the state border of Ukraine, the decision on a ban of entrance to our country for a period of 3 years. Passport seized.

We will remind, at the airport “Odessa” the guards did not let in Ukraine, the famous Russian actor and dancer Ildar Tagirov, who planned to participate in the premiere performance of “Dialogues” (DIALOGY).