Live Russian TV huge scandal erupted over Ukraine, caused a stir in social networks.

During the discussion of the situation in Ukraine famous Russian
the analyst Nikita Isaev sounded unpleasant to the Russian authorities and the leading
the program the truth, after which he began instantly to smash.

A video segment of the program was published on the Internet.

However, users of social networks and ordinary Russians are outraged that talk-show to discuss Ukraine, ignoring the real situation in Russia.

Isaev turned his attention to the Studio in the Russian Siberia
and the far East, where people refuse to pay for utilities, because of the huge tariffs,
and in Chelyabinsk, the people staged a riot and stormed the town hall due to environmental
disaster in the city.

Hearing the uncomfortable truth about the situation in Russia leading
rushed to kill Isayev, and then in the Studio real scandal.

“So, Isaev, stop with your hype and your
promotion! About some people who sort of “storm”. If you
write about it in the telegrams, it doesn’t mean that it’s happening,” said
a leading Russian talk show.

However, witnesses confirmed that the situation in Chelyabinsk is critical.

However, social networks have shown that actually
takes place in Chelyabinsk at a time when Russian propagandists discuss
Ukraine and its problems.

Recall, the media reported how the Russian “opposition” Kashin called Sentsov “terrorist” than pissed off Babchenko.