Russian chemists have recorded in quartz glass microscopic color image of the periodic table. To retrieve the thumbnail size of 3.6 x 2.4 mm they used lasers ultrashort pulses and nanocrystalline lattice. The authors told RT that the used technology can also be used to create a data carrier with an unlimited service life.

  • © Rkhtu im. D. I. Mendeleev

The researchers of the Russian chemical-technological University named by D. I. Mendeleev (RCTU) used laser nanotechnology to create in the quartz glass, the image of a miniature table of chemical elements. This was reported in a special issue of the journal Frontiers in Chemistry is devoted to the periodic system of the great Russian scientist.

The size of the resulting image is 3.6 x 2.4 mm, and each cell with a chemical element 200 x 200 microns. To create thumbnails using the method of femtosecond laser writing in silica glass, which can withstand temperatures up to 900 °C. Thus, the Russian researchers decided to draw the world’s attention to the figure of the great Russian scientist-scientist Dmitri Mendeleev, the Creator of the eponymous periodic system.

“This is the most stable of the periodic table in miniature. It can survive fire and radiation. In this miniature we used different nanolattice to get different colors,” — said in an interview with RT, one of the authors, assistant, Department of glass and ceramics, University George Shakhgildyan.

The researchers note that in a conventional optical microscope the colors will not be visible. The appliance must be placed polarizers, similar to those used in cameras.

  • © Rkhtu im. D. I. Mendeleev

According to George Shahgeldyan in the Western world system Dmitri Mendeleev is known as the periodic table of elements, without attribution. Therefore, the publication of Mendeleeva ranked chemical journal had several goals: restoration of historical justice and popularization of Russian science, and also attempt to present the extraordinary work of Russian chemists at the intersection of science and art.

“What we have done now is called art in science — the art in science. We are pleased that the work of Dmitry Mendeleev in the journal popularized a high-level,” said George Shakhgildyan.

Scientists used a method of forming an nanoresearch in glass using lasers is suitable not only for analog but also for digital recording of data. According to the Russian chemists, the first University in the world has launched a project for creation of optical memory based on glass. In a further development of this technology will lead to the development of storage media with unlimited service life, believe the researchers.