AR: during the protests in the United States killed at least 11 people

KIEV. June 3. UNN. During the protests in the US over the death of an African-American George Floyd, who died after a tough detention by police, killed at least 11 people. Reported by the Associated Press (AP), reports UNN.

According to the Agency, they were from nine cities: St. Louis, Louisville, Oakland, Indianapolis, Davenport, Minneapolis, Omaha, Detroit and the suburbs of Chicago.

Dozens of people were injured, said the publication.

AR collected information about the people who died during the protests and published details of who they were in life. So, in Louisville in the crossfire was killed the owner of a barbecue restaurant David Makati. He died at the moment when the police and the national guard during the dispersal of the crowd opened fire. The publication reports that the way the police reacted to the shots.

In Davenport, two persons died: 22-year-old Italy Kelly, who died at the time when he left the territory of the protest, also in a separate incident a man died, whose body was found near the scene of a shooting that was related to the protest, according to police.

St. Louis retired police officer was shot by looters.

Mass protests in the US began after the death of the African-American George Floyd. He was detained by the police in Minneapolis on may 25 on suspicion of using counterfeit notes. During the detention, the officer pressed Floyd on the throat, while Floyd tried to explain that he could not breathe. The detainee later died in hospital.

The protests began in Minneapolis, but quickly spread to other cities, covering several States. By the weekend, demonstrations turned into riots, clashes with police and riots.

See ALSO: trump called the protests in the United States from acts of terrorism and called on the governors to enter the national guard

In Minneapolis established a regime of emergency because of the unrest, authorities later imposed a curfew. Also curfew imposed in dozens of other cities, including Washington and new York.