ODESSA-KIEV. April 12. UNN. Threat discovery found today Izmail border detachment while on patrol on the Danube river. About it the correspondent was reported to UNN in the press service of the gpsu.

The border guards, who served on the boat, found a subject similar to a mine bottom, which was brought to the shore of the island Rapida the Danube river.

See ALSO: Odessa region destroyed a mine during the First world war, which surfaced due to the flooding

“Upon threat findings, the border guards announced a division of SES, our Romanian colleagues and other interactive units. Now before the arrival of the relevant services mine took custody of border guards”, – stated in the message.

We will remind that it already the fourth ground mine for submarines type “Sautter-Harle”, made in 1920, weighing 480 kg, which was discovered in the last few days in the Danube river. The cause of their raising to the surface was a significant increase in water level.