​”Alpha” burns the occupiers near Avdiivka and in the South: footage of the combat work of special forces has appeared

The SBU special forces showed footage of their combat work in the hottest sectors of the front: near Avdiivka and in the Southern direction.

The SBU Special Operations Center “A”, which specializes in the use of drones, has conducted a number of successful operations at the front over the past two weeks. The commandos worked in the Avdiivka and Southern directions, where the heaviest battles are now taking place.

The footage was released on October 21 on the official channel of the secret service in Telegram.

The fighters of the CSO “A”, using drones, eliminated over 230 Russian occupiers in two weeks. It was also possible to “mince” 20 Russian tanks, 42 armored cars, 21 artillery units, 10 electronic warfare systems, 2 air defense installations, 6 boats, 2 Murom observation posts, 10 ammunition depots, as well as over 150 enemy fortifications.

In addition, the SBU noted, the commandos helped the artillery units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to carry out combat missions at the front, correcting fire on military targets of the Russian Federation.

Earlier Dialog.UA reported that the Z-channel revealed details of the epic defeat of the Russian Armed Forces near Avdiivka.

We also wrote that the SBU drones burned 4 video surveillance and electronic warfare complexes of the Russian Army.