Video After the March in Odessa opened criminal proceedings for anti-SemitismPhoto: MIA

The reason was the words of one of the activists

03.05.18 73000

The police opened criminal proceedings in connection with the statement by one of the speakers during a rally of nationalist organizations “March of the Ukrainian order” on may 2 in Odessa.

About it on Twitter said the head of the interior Ministry Arsen Avakov.

In Ukraine nepropusk public antisemtic saclike. Including the masovogo promotions, Yak vchora in Odes. TSE picerne seredova, and Patriotic position. For Tsim fact polca odesi saressalo propaganda for part 1 of article 161 “Porsenna rasulo, national ravnopravnost gromadyan”

— Arsen Avakov (@AvakovArsen) 3 may 2018.

The proceedings were registered under part 1 of article 161 (Violation of racial and national equality of citizens) of the criminal code.

The reason for that were the words of the head of the Right sector in Odessa Tatyana Zaikinoj. In the Internet appeared the video, which the activist says into the microphone: “We are confident that you will succeed in Odessa and in Ukraine, real Ukrainian order. Ukraine belongs to Ukrainians, and not..well, ladies, not oligarchy. Glory To Ukraine!”.

  • READ ALSO: Odessa detained the man with a grenade near the venue of the March of nationalists

We will remind, the group of more than 50 U.S. congressmen, including representatives of the Democratic and Republican parties, asked the U.S. state Department to provide diplomatic pressure on Ukraine and Poland for “state-funded” anti-Semitism.