The descendants of the maniacs continue to exist, sometimes in fear for their lives, journalists said.Ukrainian sensation. Live the descendants of the maniacs

Sergey Tkach was accused of 36 murders of women that have to sit for life, but he left the colony forever. Some believe that he died, and someone says he escaped. The ceremony of the burial in a closed coffin would call nothing more than a setup.

In connection with the death of Weaver journalists “Ukrainian sensations” told about how living descendants of the killers and what makes beautiful girls to be with such people.

Together with his young wife Elena and Sergey Tkach wanted to have a second child, which was planned to be called Catherine. First daughter they named Elizabeth, the pictures which showed the journalists of “Ukrainian sensations”.

For a long time there is a war for Elizabeth between Elena and her parents, who blame the daughter in asocial way of life. “Elena’s parents nearly called her a prostitute,” said weaver.

“My dad’s a psychiatrist and my mother is a therapist. They say that I’m not their child and the surrogate mother of Elizabeth that they now believe their daughter and want to raise her without me,” said Elena Tkach.

Today nobody knows the whereabouts of Helen weaver and her daughter Elizabeth. In Zhytomyr, the woman was not seen for a long time, and in prison, saying that the couple was actively working on a second child.

Another wife of Sergey Tkach lives in verbky village, Dnipropetrovsk region. Chat with reporters, she refuses. “How much can you communicate me tortured,” says the woman.

Then the journalists went to the Dnieper, where he lives and another ex-wife of Sergey Tkach, and in addition irritated neighbor, no one door is not opened.

Read has changepoints details of death “Pology maniac” – one of the most brutal serial killers of Ukraine

Further, the journalists were told about the Ted Bundy – “charming crazy”, which became the most famous serial killer of the United States. More than 100 victims, necrophilia, and attempted cannibalism – all this did not prevent him to wildly popular and crowd lovers fans, which nearly every day he wrote him a love letter and wanted to get pregnant from him.

February 9, 1980 Ted Bundy in the courtroom as one of my cheerleaders – Carol Anne Boone. And two years later they have a daughter.

Anatoly Onoprienko also left behind offspring. His son Dimitri during the trial of father will change the name and give them the education to another family.

Son of Andrei Chikatilo, rape and kill little boys and girls in the forest belts of Ukraine and Russia, inspired acts already shot his father. In interviews, he never ceased to praise his father. After the execution of Andrei Chikatilo members of his family suggested to change the name, Yuri took maiden name of mother, and then returned the old one. The record of the son Chikatilo – extortion, forgery, a few trips to jail and one rape.