Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced the severance of diplomatic relations with the United States. It happened a few hours after the ouster of the head of the Parliament of Venezuela Juan Guido declared himself interim President of the country

Tasnim News Agency /

Previously Juan Guido, which the Supreme court of Venezuela, January 21, was removed from the post of head of Parliament, January 23, declared himself acting President of Venezuela and was sworn in. He declared his commitment to the freedom of citizens

Asamblea Nacional / Twitter

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced the severance of diplomatic relations with the United States. It happened a few hours after the ouster of the head of the Parliament of Venezuela Juan Guido declared himself interim President of the country.

Nicolás Maduro on the night of 24 January gave U.S. diplomats 72 hours to leave the country after the severance of diplomatic relations with the United States because of the decision to recognize the opposition leader the acting President reports AP. Maduro has accused the US of trying to make Venezuela a coup.

The US has rejected Maduro’s decision to break off diplomatic relations. According to Secretary Mike Pompeo, Nicholas Maduro has no authority to make such statements. “The United States will maintain diplomatic relations with Venezuela through the government of the provisional President of Guido”, – quotes Reuters Pompeo. He also noted that the United States will take “appropriate action” against anyone who threatens the security of U.S. personnel.

Previously Juan Guido, which the Supreme court of Venezuela, January 21, was removed from the post of head of Parliament, January 23, declared himself acting President of Venezuela and was sworn in. He declared his commitment to the freedom of citizens. He also urged the country’s armed forces to support him and help hold in Venezuela free elections, “Kommersant”.

The US President Donald trump said on Twitter that recognizes Guido “transitional President.” U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo in a statement on the website of the us state Department called on Maduro to resign.

Maduro said in response that the United States makes a “serious mistake”, trying to impose Venezuela’s new President. Addressing his supporters from the balcony of the presidential Palace, Maduro stated that the coup attempt in the country are the United States, called the actions of Guido unconstitutional and urged the army to faithfulness. While across the country held protests against Maduro. AP, citing authorities reported that at the time they killed seven people.

The Supreme court of Venezuela, for its part, called null and void any decision of the Parliament and urged the Prosecutor to take action against opposition MPs.

The Minister of defense of Venezuela Vladimir Padrino Lopez wrote on Twitter that the army does not recognize Juan, Guido President of the country and supports Maduro. “Despair and intolerance threaten the peace of the nation. The soldiers of our country do not recognize the President, who impose to protect the interests of the dark – the self-proclaimed and illegal,” wrote Lopez.

A statement on the recognition of Guido were also made by Canada, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Colombia, Guatemala, Argentina. In particular, the President of Colombia, Ivan Duque asked Maduro to “step aside and allow his people to be free.” The European Union called for an election in Venezuela, the statement published on the website of the European Council.

Russia has recognized President Maduro and to change the position does not intend

Russia has already recognized the legitimate President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro, nothing change in that position will not, said RIA “Novosti” Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Andrei Klimau.

The Russian foreign Ministry issued a travel warning. “In Venezuela regrading care should be taken, to avoid visiting of places of a mass congestion of people” – said in Twitter, Department of the Situational crisis center of the foreign Ministry.

Events in Venezuela commented the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “The example of events in Venezuela is clearly seen as a progressive Western community in reality refers to international law, sovereignty and non-interference in the internal Affairs of States, in the manual mode changing power there” – she wrote in Facebook.

Venezuela is in a state of protracted crisis in the social sphere, the economy and politics. Nicolas Maduro on January 10 has entered the second presidential term. Presidential elections, many countries have recognized the illegitimate. In particular, the US authorities have said they believe the inauguration of Maduro as the “usurpation of power” and will continue to impose sanctions against members of the government and their families involved, according to Washington, human rights abuses, corruption and undermining democracy.