The President of Mexico has promised to cooperate with the US to reduce the migration from Honduras.
Illustration / REUTERS

The U.S. has pledged billions of dollars in aid to development of Central America as part of a plan to strengthen economic growth and to curb illegal migration in the region.

This statement was made by the government of the United States and Mexico on Tuesday, 18 December, according to Deutsche Welle, citing Reuters.

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has promised to cooperate with the American President Donald trump, to reduce migration from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, as well as poor regions of southern Mexico by stimulating economic development.

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In turn, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard said that the U.S. intends to allocate $ 5.8 billion for development of Central America, as well as increase public and private investment in Mexico to $ 4.8 billion, of which $ 2 billion invested in the South of the country.

According to the head of the foreign Ministry, the Mexican government also pledged to find $ 25 billion on the development of the South of the country over the next five years.

We will remind, the President of the United States Donald trump has compared his Twitter account losses from illegal migration, costs of border security. According to him, the American economy loses from illegal immigration $250 billion annually.