Video Ukrainian scientist Kozlovskiy spoke about torture in captivity invaders

Twisted Russian roulette, put a gun to my head, pull the trigger…
Ukrainian scientist and public activist Igor Kozlovsky, freed from captivity by Russian fighters, said on the 112 Ukraine that he had to suffer in the dungeons of the occupation.
According to him, beatings and torture during interrogation was so intense that he almost lost consciousness from the pain.
“It’s basically (been) beaten, beaten with some object, I didn’t see anything, I had a bag on his head. It lasted a few hours. Twisted Russian roulette, put a gun to my head, pull the trigger,” – said Kozlovsky.
While in the captivity of militants he got on false charges of possession of ammunition.
“I was detained about two o’clock, when I went to pay for the communal and take out the trash. There was a car “MGB”. They approached, asked documents, said that “you are invited to a conversation literally 20 minutes.” These “20 minute” lasted almost two years,” – said the scientist.
Recall that Kozlovsky together with 72 Ukrainian hostages were exchanged for about 200 people from a list of the occupation forces of the Russian Federation on 27 December 2017.