About TSE saying the RNBO Secretary Oleksandr Turchynov, Pereda press-service domsta.
“Rosbel-Udarny complex “Socl” skladatelj s ODN rosbel I Udarnik boyovich three of the machines that he is, zahoditi I just Pragati CL, vykorystovuyutsia, fallow od, saudan, ammunition fugassa, Oskolkova-fugassa I thermobarics d”, – Turchinov zaznaczyl.
Yak podomatic, wirabuana held in nadzvychaina folding meteorolo s origami wtru 14-17 m/sec. Extend TSE, VSI the challenge Buli vicodan, nagaokaut in RNBO.
The words of Turchynov, Tsey bezplatny “product uspsa cooperat Ukrayinsky pdprimstvo announcement of annual s polskimi partners.”
“Wirabuana vabolis uspsa, prodemonstrirovali efektivnosti CIR besplatnih complex. Nastupni CROC – postaviti h on osbrone the effective use boyovich umovach” – said VIN.
Nayblyzhchym hour also maintain planuoti of Novi model Udarnik besplatnih ltaly aparatu “digit blso dalnost zastosuvannya the z photogenie boivie characteristics”.