Yuriy Ivanyushchenko (photo – video screenshot)

Ukraine can count on a return of 72 million Swiss francs, which are blocked in accounts in Switzerland, associated with the former people’s Deputy from Party of regions Yury Ivanyushchenko. This was reported in the Swiss Federal Department of justice, reports DW.

“If the blocked funds are of criminal origin, Ukraine will be able to achieve their transfer, provided that there will be the decisions of the courts,” – said the Agency.

Lawyers firms Ivanyushchenko was achieved by thawing the above amount, was arrested on Swiss Bank accounts of wife of ex-Deputy Irina Ivanyushchenko in the so-called Kyoto. Protection was assured that these funds allegedly are irrelevant to the criminal proceedings, which “have long had to be closed.”

However, Swiss judges did not agree with the claims of the advocates: October 30, 2017 dismissed the Federal criminal court, 17 November – the Federal court of last resort. A few weeks ago, these regulations were published in the register of judicial decisions of Switzerland.

As reported in the Federal office of justice, at the end of November 2017 after the courts dismissed the claims Ivanyushchenko – Switzerland presented the Ukrainian law enforcement documents about Bank accounts and transactions associated with the ex-Deputy.

In July 2013, a Bahamian company in three tranches has transferred more than $30 million to the account of Irina Ivanyushchenko in the Bank of Zurich. Subsequently, the Swiss court found that the funds were in Switzerland “through a confusing maze of offshore companies and accounts,” says DW.

See also: Court of Latvia upheld under forfeiture of $26 million Ivanyushchenko

In 2014, the General Prosecutor’s office opened a criminal case against Yury Ivanyushchenko is in fact possible illegal enrichment for 72 million Swiss francs. Former MP suspected in organization of a taking budgetary funds, received by Ukraine from sale of quotas of Japan on greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol.

Spring 2013-controlled Irina Ivanyushchenko company received from the state without a tender multi-million dollar order for thermal insulation of schools and other facilities sotsinfrastruktury at the expense of “Kyoto” money.

It is established that the wife of the former MP with the investment Fund New technology and the British company Goodlight Capital Limited was a co-founder of Compatibilist appearing in “Kyoto business”.

Shares of the company Rollexa Limited – the last link in the chain of front companies – according to the British registry, and had a daughter Ivanyushchenko Diana (Jana), which in 2013 living in the United States as a singer Ivy Lane.

Shortly after the opening of the case against Ivanyushchenko Rollexa Limited, which owned 50% Goodlight Capital Limited, was liquidated, and its share has extended to other shell companies.

In November 2017, the European court of General jurisdiction overturned EU sanctions against Ivanyushchenko.

In February 2017 the Supreme court without notice to the Prosecutor General’s office decided to close all cases against Ivanyushchenko.

See also: money and medals. The party of regions four years later

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