Two inhabitants of Odessa tried to smuggle into Kuwait almost 100 kilograms of amphetaminePhoto:

The fate of the smugglers will be resolved by the court

02.03.18 153000

Odessa oblast Prosecutor’s office sent to court indictment against two suspects in the attempted smuggling of psychotropic substances in Kuwait. About this Facebook reported the press Secretary of the PGO Andrei Lysenko.

“Trojan horse” with 92 kg of smuggled amphetamine, which should have been sent to Kuwait, law enforcement officers detained on the southern border. The horse got on the boat in a wooden box”, – noted in GPU.

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Militiamen found out that the smugglers for 2017 was rented garage space in the village Tairovo, where he kept in especially large sizes amphetamine.

Men are weighed and packaged tablets psychotropics in bags and hidden in an inflatable boat. For further smuggling into Kuwait, they put these boats in wooden boxes.

But not the goods on time showed the border guards and the SBU.