For the first time the expression “thank you” recorded in the dictionary-PhraseBook, published in Paris in 1586.
photo Pixabay

January 11 is international thank you day – a holiday established at the initiative of the peacekeeping community. Every day people say the word “thank you” a million times, but wonders whether they are about how the word appeared in our language that means and how powerful energy has? Remember that words of gratitude have magical properties —people with their help, give joy to each other, Express attention and convey positive emotions, so don’t skimp on the kind and warm words, thank on this day, everyone you love and appreciate. UNIAN offers to remember the history and tradition of the International day thank you, as well as an interesting poem, which you can congratulate your loved ones.

History and traditions of the International day thank you

The world day of “thank you”, which aims to remind people about the value of good manners, established at the initiative of UNESCO and the UN. For the first time the expression “thank you” recorded in the dictionary-PhraseBook, published in Paris in 1586.

International thank you day, in many countries it is celebrated on a large scale, conducting fairs, organizing educational events, contests and many other entertaining events. In educational institutions talk about the importance of thanking loved ones, talk about cultural traditions, ethics and good manners.

In addition, the world day thank you hold charity events, which raise funds for the needy. In this day people tell each other warm words and exchange cards, expressing their courtesy and gratitude.

photo PixabayMagical properties of the word “thank you”

With a bright and polite holiday is meant to teach us not to be afraid and not be ashamed to thank others, the world and themselves. Gratitude can improve mood, increase mutual understanding and positive emotions.

The word “thank you”, as the psychologists think, has magical properties, it can soothe and warm their warmth. The word “thanks” is a kind of verbal “stroking”. The expression of gratitude, according to experts, improves the health as the addressee and expressing their feelings. However, the true gratitude, which can benefit should go only from the heart.

Words of gratitude “thank you” to impact positively on the emotional state and mental activity of man. The expression “thank you” to apply in life is easy, it is very simple and sincere and is the conductor of establishing warm, friendly relationships. As the famous American psychologist Virginia Satir, people need for survival, four hugs a day, for support of eight arms, and for growth — twelve hugs a day.

Feel free to thank mom or wife for a cooked Breakfast, a random stranger for holding the door for you, colleague for services rendered. As in any business, there is an important practice. The more you thank, the more relaxed and sincere will sound a “thank you”.

Interesting facts about “thank you”

– On the etymology of the word “thanks” carries a birth mark, a symbol of good luck, the connection of earth and heaven, and male and female essence.

Every year, along with the world ‘ day, we celebrate the world day of gratitude, which is celebrated on September 21.

– Saying “thank you”, you need to look people in the eye.

– It is impossible to thank people in a state of irritation – it would not bring joy.

– Conservatives don’t use the word “thank you”, because I think that word was born out of the phrase “save the Bay”. Buy – the name of one of the pagan gods.

– Of the largest cities in the world is considered to be the most polite new York- “thank you” is often pronounced. Less often these words can be heard in Mumbai in the most populated city of India.

photos PexelsCongratulations thank you verses

The day of “thanks” noting

Thank you for everything,

Much joy wish

And to protect his love.

Let the success arrives to you,

Greetings to him fly,

Let people help you

And saying thanks!

Polite environment

To another and not know

And desires the execution of

I aspire you wish!


Tell those “thank you”

Whoever does good to you

Who gives you my soul,

Say a few good phrases!

“Thank you,” you need to tell us

Family, friends, colleagues, our,

Because you need to pay tribute to

To all those who in our life is important!

Mercy tell the seller,

Courier, doctor, neighbors,

Indeed, welcome good MOT

All the people that live in the world!


The word “thank you” there is something

What gives us wings sometimes behind.

Let us often say,

Above the everyday mediocrity it is easy to soar.

Hurry always grateful to be

The word is a simple and easy to say

After all, there is nothing better nor easier.

“Thank you,” let it be life is more.

Congratulations thank you in prose

Congratulations to all the International day “thank you”, wish You as often as possible heartily to thank those who by their words or actions makes Your life easier, calmer and more harmonious. Let the circle of Your friends and good acquaintances was as wide as possible, let the people around You generously share with You his kindness, warmth and care.


On the International day of “thank you”, I want to thank everyone! Thank you parents for life, and all I have right now, friends — for support in difficult moments and good cheer to your loved one — just because it’s there! Thank you all for passing by, just like that. Don’t spoil your precious life on resentment and negativity.