The U.S. passed legislation in opposition to Russia in Europe and Venezuela

KIEV. March 26. UNN. The house of representatives of the United States Congress passed a package of bills relating to counter Russia’s influence in Venezuela and gas supplies for European countries. In order for the document entered into force, they must be taken in the Senate and signed by the President of the United States Donald trump, reports UNN.

The first bill concerns the increased presence of Russia in the Western hemisphere, which causes concern of the USA and its allies in the region. “The regime of Nicolas Maduro turned to Russia, one of his strongest political allies, for financial support during the economic crisis and countering international support (self-proclaimed interim President of the country), Juan, Guido”, — the document says.

Not later than 120 days after the bill is passed the Secretary of state will be required to report to Congress on the Russian-Venezuelan relations in the field of security, as well as on the potential threat of such cooperation for the United States and Western Europe.

Also during the month the Secretary will be required to provide a strategy to address threats related to cooperation between Moscow and Caracas. In addition, within three months, must evaluate the potential threat from the purchase of Russian companies in the energy infrastructure Citgo, “daughter” of the national Venezuelan oil company PDVSA. Persons whom the Secretary deems to be acting on behalf of Russia in support of the security forces of Venezuela, proposed to ban entry to the US and revoke their visas.

The second bill aims to reduce the dependence of European countries on Russian gas supplies. The document proposes to assist them in the protection of “using the energy dependence for undue political influence, such as Russia, which used natural gas for coercion, intimidation and influence on other countries.” Energy security of European countries depends on the development of accessible, transparent and competitive markets, and from public and private U.S. investment, specified in the bill.

As reported by UNN, in the United States has expressed opposition to intervention “hostile States” in the West.