Almost half of people in the UK believe that Scotland and Northern Ireland have the right to hold a referendum on independence after the country’s withdrawal from the EU

Photo: ChiralJon /

45% of respondents believe that the government should allow the carrying out in Scotland a referendum on independence after Brexit and opposed by 30%

Almost half of people in the UK believe that Scotland and Northern Ireland have the right to hold a referendum on independence after the country’s withdrawal from the EU. About it as transfers TASS, according to the BMG survey Agency, conducted for the newspaper The Independent.

45% of respondents believe that the government should allow the carrying out in Scotland a referendum on independence after Brexit and opposed by 30%. The newspaper notes that if the results exclude the responses “don’t know”, the gap in favor of the referendum becomes even more significant – 60% to 40%.

While 52% support the right of people of Northern Ireland after Brexit vote on the question of whether to stay part of the UK or join the Republic of Ireland. Against the referendum voted only 19% of respondents. Without answers without specifying a choice, the ratio is 73% against 27% in favour of the vote.

The leader of the Scottish national party in the House of Commons Ryan of Blackford called the survey results “are relevant to the movement for independence.” He stressed that over the postponement of the referendum not only in Scotland but throughout the UK.

“Throughout the Brexit we were completely ignored. The last three years stressed the growing price for the lack of independence for Scotland,” said Blackford.

Former Secretary of state for Northern Ireland Lord Peter Hain said that the survey results confirmed his concerns about the fact that Brexit would lead to the accelerating collapse of the UK.

Gavin Robinson represent in the British Parliament the Irish Democratic unionist party, said that Northern Ireland should stay in the UK “economic, social, cultural and historical reasons”.

“The criteria of the survey of the border was clearly marked and was not observed. However, the main attention should be given to holding a divisive poll on the border and the creation of further tension in the Northern Irish community,” he added.

The BMG survey was conducted in the period from 3 to 6 September, it took part 1 of 504 people living in England, Scotland and Wales. It is not part of the people of Northern Ireland. However, the recent Lord Ashworth, the survey showed that 46% of the population of Northern Ireland in favor of joining the Republic of Ireland, while 45% want to remain part of the UK. Excluding responses of “don’t know” supporters of unification with the neighboring country was more than half – 51%.

Britain had previously made the transfer deadline Brexit on October 31, 2019. During this time, the country should ratify the agreement on withdrawal from the EU to avoid “hard” Brexit. Boris Johnson, speaking in a keynote speech after appointment as Prime Minister, promised in whatever was to bring the country out of the EU on October 31.

September 9, Queen Elizabeth II signed the law on postponing the exit from the EU without agreement with Brussels. According to this law, Johnson must ask the EU to postpone the deadline Brexit on January 31, 2020.