During the arrest, police took another felon, both detainees had been repeatedly judged for Commission of serious crimes.
In a press-service of the Channel said that during the search were found drugs and a gun, reports “Диалог.UA”.
It all happened at the house on the street Kotlova. Among the detained 44-year-old “looking” for the Kharkiv region criminal authority”, Valeron” and the 44-year-old holder “common Fund”.
During the inspection of the criminals found a pistol “PM” and a bundle with a substance resembling methadone.
Open criminal proceedings under article “Illegal production, production, acquisition, storage, transportation or shipment of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues for the purpose of sale” and “Illegal weapon handling, fighting supplies or explosives”.
Earlier it was reported about the shooting in Lutsk and Ivano-Frankivsk two crime bosses.