In the Marvel universe, Basque – “one of the best tenors in the world”, leading the lifestyle of a playboy.
Nikolay Baskov became the hero of the Marvel / Screenshot – Twitter – @her_boltness

In the Marvel universe, known for superheroes like the Avengers and Spider-Man, introduced the Russian pop – stars Nikolai Baskov and Vera Brezhnev.

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One of the first attention it drew users community Kinda Geek social network “Vkontakte”. So Basque is mentioned in the wiki-entsiklopedii in the Marvel cinematic universe. He appears in the comic book series the Avengers Prelude: Black Widow Strikes. Comics Marvel heroine on the Russian – superspy Natasha Romanova.

In the Marvel universe, Basque – “one of the best tenors in the world”, leading the lifestyle of a playboy.

— ???? ??? ????? ?????? x4 (@her_boltness) 13 December 2018.

In addition, further users have found that in these comics is the singer Vera Brezhneva. In the story, Brezhnev rest in Sochi after recording your clip, when Romanov is calling her and appear to be the producer of the music channel. Thus Romanova tried to provide an alibi.


Comic The Avengers Prelude: Black Widow Strikes, consisting of three releases that saw the light in 2012. The events of the series takes place in the Marvel cinematic universe, between the events of the movie “Iron man 2” and “the Avengers”.

Earlier it was reported that In the eighth issue of the comic book series “doomsday Clock” from DC Comics has appeared the President of Russia Vladimir Putin ready to start a war with the United States.