In 2014 Sergey Kravchenko in collaboration with the Ukrainian counterintelligence has warned the attempted kidnapping of heavy military equipment.
Bakanov was awarded the veteran of the law enforcement agencies for the salvation military equipment /

The head of SBU Ivan Bakanov was awarded the medal “For military service to Ukraine” to the veteran of law-enforcement bodies Sergey Kravchenko and two commandos of the CSO “A” SBU.

See also Kharkov covered two underground casinos, which was “protected” by law enforcement officers

As reported on the website of the SBU, in 2014 Sergey Kravchenko in collaboration with the Ukrainian counterintelligence has warned the attempted kidnapping of heavy military equipment from state enterprise “Kharkov armored plant” and its use to destabilize public-political situation in the region.

The award ceremony was held in accordance with the decree of the President of Ukraine №741/2019 On awarding state awards of Ukraine on occasion of Day of defender of Ukraine.

Earlier it was reported that in the Kharkiv region to 10 years in prison sentenced the saboteur for the attempted bombing of transport infrastructure of Kharkiv in December last year.