KIEV. April 23. UNN. The Ministry of health of Ukraine has dismissed the rector of the Odessa medical University Valery Zaporozhan. This is stated in the press service of the Ministry of health, reports UNN.

“Since April 23, Valery Zaporozhan discharged of execution of official duties the rector of the Odessa national medical University. The corresponding order was signed in the Ministry of health. The base is composed of members of the National police of Ukraine a Protocol on administrative offence of corruption in respect of Zaporozhan V. M.”, – stated in the message.

The press service explained that the person in respect of whom the Protocol on an administrative offence of corruption, may be suspended from the exercise of powers by decision of the head of the authority in which she works, until the end of the trial, in accordance with part 5 of article 65 of the law of Ukraine “On prevention of corruption”.

The trial will implement the Primorsky district court of Odessa.

“Until the completion of the trial obligations of the rector of Odessa national medical University to implement Manicured V., Pro-rector on scientific and pedagogical work (international relations), the higher education institutions”, – stated in the message.

As reported UNN, the Ministry of health of Ukraine decided to terminate the contract with the rector of Bogomolets national medical University Kateryna Amosova.