According to the journalist Sergei Vasiliev, the head of FFU/the UAF Andriy Pavelko, substitute the real picture of football life
“After the recent “black Friday” that way I would have announced “a special evening” on 16 December, during which the President of FFU/the UAF promises to give “honored” Champions of the world U-20 – written by Sergei Vasiliev in the post on his page in the network Facebook. – This style of announcement is fully consistent with PR strategy Pavelko, with which he tries to substitute the real picture of life – its fictional. But he’s a poor strategist. As, however, and a strategist, and tactician. But because it attempts to create for the public “Pulkovskie village” – look pathetic and infirm.
For example, the head of the House of football it seemed that his personal presence in Bucharest at the draw for Euro 2020 is much more important for the football community of the country than participation in the first meeting of the Temporary investigative Commission of the Verkhovna Rada on November 28.
Pavelko naively believed that the public interest in the investigation of the scandalous facts of corruption in his Department had already faded, and it can easily kill a boring duty chatter about the tremendous achievements of FFU/the UAF. Moreover, he sincerely believes in this nonsense.
Another example proving inadequate perception of reality football functionary is his incurable habit to APE. Say, they’s in Paris – “Golden ball” award, and we at the NSC on the same day – also a red carpet roll out and hit your stars!
Someone explain to needy provincial that his parody of the Oscar because journalists dubbed the “neoceratopsia”, since it a mile away smells bad peripherals. This is probably Ambre caught and representatives of Dynamo, happily ignoring flash-mob name Pavelko. But the media, except for TV station-translator, did not get into the corridors of the event against their will. They were admitted only in special room in the lobby to watch the domestic football elite at the broadcast ceremony. This whole Pavelko. Cheap show-off and unbridled narcissism in the bouquet with inexhaustible fakes.
By the way, and on December 16 the President of the UAF may weird. Imagine how happy will be world Champions U-20, when a record premium for them you suddenly find – tea, coffee and seafood, or, for example, light bulbs from their personal collection of Andrew Pavelko. And why not? Because FFU/the UAF has already spent large sums in foreign currency to purchase these and other goods in very large quantities.
This was at a meeting of the FAC is responsible, under the transcript said the Director of the company “Newport Management Ltd”, which since 1999 has served as a financial agent of the FFU. He, in particular, said that the results of an internal investigation and an independent audit, conducted by Deloitte, it was revealed that from April 2015 to end of 2016 the company “Newport Management Ltd” pursuant to written orders of the FFU sent more than 13 million Euro received from UEFA in the interests of the FFU, on account of dubious foreign companies as payment for goods that could not be used in the activities of the FFU.
Laughter laughter, but after the publication of this scandalous information Pavelko could come up with another flash mob with these tons of tea, coffee and food. He did not blink an eye, explaining to the members of the FAC, saying they were purchased specifically as a premium food rations for the players. Don’t be surprised Pavelko and capable of such. By the way, in the history of Ukrainian football in the territory of the FFU has not been “black Monday”. So will! Just to spite the “black Friday”…”