The macron has promised to “yellow jackets” not to raise taxes and to throw 100 euros salary

Emmanuel Macron

KIEV. 10 Dec. UNN. The minimum wage in France in 2019 will increase by 100 euros, and all required tax increases will be cancelled. This was during a speech to the nation said the President of France Emmanuel macron, the correspondent of UNN.

“I don’t want to put up with such unacceptable behavior. In fact, it was the anger against certain taxes. We have provided to cancel all the tax increases scheduled for the beginning of next year,” said macron.

According to Macron, the French government was very confused by the fact that now certain families in the country do not have enough money, and pensioners who worked for decades, have a very small pension.

A year and a half, the government of Makron looking for the answer to economic challenges, the President said, but never found. He said that he wanted to completely change the political system in the country.

“Today I want to announce on the social and economic state of emergency … In 2019 the minimum wage will increase by 100 euros. If you work more, you will get more for the extra hours. I want to ask all employers to pay all of the thirteenth salary. Next year, we will also discuss the increase of pensions,” – said the French leader.

In addition, he noted that the rich members of society should help those who are most in need.

“Therefore, I must return to the reform of wealth tax. With regard to those obligations that I took before the election, this tax was abolished. Now we should restore it”, – he added.

He also noted that French companies have to pay their taxes in France.

As reported UNN, on Saturday, December 8, France was the fourth series of protests of the movement “yellow jackets” in Paris and other cities. The protests were accompanied by clashes with police. The number of persons who participated in protests in the country, exceeded 136 000. The number of detainees across France, the protesters grew to 1726.