The hostage at the post office in Kharkov behaves appropriately, – Shkiryak

Man is potentially ready to surrender to law enforcement agencies
The man who seized hostages in a post office in Kharkov, comes in contact with the negotiators. At the moment the communication of security forces with him continues.
This broadcast “112 Ukraine” said Advisor to the Minister of internal Affairs of the Zoryan Shkiriak.
“Now he’s not being aggressive and talking to negotiators quite adequately. Moreover, according to the latest information, it does not exclude the possibility to voluntarily surrender to the police, what we hope,” he said.
As reports “Gromadske“, to the scene arrived riot police “CORD”, also arrived a few ambulances. “Special forces” are carrying shields, they already went to the post office. About a dozen of them.
Recall from the captured Ukrposhta offices in Kharkov brought women and children.