
According to preliminary information, the list consists of more than 700 needy children.
The list consists of more than 700 needy children photo UNIAN

Head of the Foundation, the owner of the construction company “Gefest” Pantaleon Bomboras began realization of social project “Children of the region.” 150 children from needy families of Odessa region, two days received from the Greek patron of the new seasonal shoes, stationery sets, and toys.

Assistance in organizing the charity event had a regional service for children. Officials have formed a list of the most needy children.

We are talking about targeted assistance “from hands to hands” orphan children, children under guardianship, children from large families and pupils foster care homes (children’s homes of family type).

“I believe that every self-respecting businessman should not only increase your capital, but also to help those in need. Children are the future of the country. They are the best investment that will help the state to develop and become stronger. My Foundation supports a number of social projects with young people. Now we have launched a new “Children of the region.” We help children from low-income families, orphans and without parental support”, – said Panteleimon Bomboras.

According to preliminary information, the list consists of more than 700 needy children.

“Gift sets are shoes necessary stationery, toys and sweets. Shoes purchased for the upcoming season, according to the size we were served the service for children. Those children, whom we visit at the end of winter, get spring shoes” – said the employee of the “Fund of Bumbarash” Anna Kalashnik.

Gifts from the Foundation have already received children from 4 districts of Odessa region (Ovidiopol, Liman, Odesa and Mykolaiv), as well as cities South and Belgorod-Dniester.

Project organizers plan to provide shoes to all needy children until the end of February 2019.